Our Forest of Avon Pledge Community

Our Forest of Avon Pledge Community

Here is how the Forest of Avon Pledge Community is making a difference in 2021

Here are all of the organisations who are actively striving to support the Forest of Avon to expand and thrive.

The four elements of the Pledge are 

  1. Supporting the Forest of Avon, one of England's Community Forests 
  2. Helping to plant and care for trees across the West of England 
  3. Making your organisation more sustainable for local trees and woodlands 
  4. Helping your staff/team to enjoy and benefit from local trees and woodlands. 

Right now we are listing those organisations who have made the Pledge as part of their support for 2021. However, this page will quickly build with new members, news stories about how these organisations are supporting the Forest of Avon more broadly, ideas from us and others about how to support the Pledge and news from us of how we are directing Pledge donations to:

  • create new community woodlands, trees, school trees and orchards
  • free up new suitable sites for tree planting 
  • maintain local woodlands so they keep providing key benefits 
  • improve access to woodlands 
  • increase our wellbeing courses and work 
  • set up a tree planting online hub