The Benefits of Trees

The Benefits of Trees

Why are we Passionate about Trees?

Trees have a huge range of benefits, unique within the natural world. They are valuable wherever they are, even more so when close to where we live.

We all need to support action to keep, conserve and sustainably manage forests at a global scale, but also to plant more trees locally, partly to help lock up carbon, but also to mitigate the impacts of climate change such as increased temperatures and flood risk and more widely to improve our quality of life. We also need to help local landowners care for the woodlands on their land which are already contributing so much.

Our ethos is to get on, make things happen and deliver the huge benefits of trees and woodlands to as many people as possible in the West of England.

Some Benefits of Trees & Woodlands:

  • Support learning: children (and adults!) benefit significantly from outdoor learning and learning about trees and wildlife 
  • Build confidence & improve quality of life: activities outdoors promote improved mental and physical health, resilience and wellbeing
  • Speed patient recovery times: less time is spent in wards with views of trees
  • Reduce asthma: by filtering air borne pollution
  • Contribute to safer communities: flats associated with trees have less crime and people feel safer
  • Provide a legacy across the generations: local tree planting brings communities together and the results last hundreds of years
  • Cut energy use: this can be 10% lower in buildings sheltered by trees
  • Reduce flash flooding: tree reduce disturbance and damage after heavy rain
  • They are a carbon neutral resource: if local trees are used for wood fuel or construction
  • Support the local economy: people prefer, stay longer and more frequently visit shopping areas with trees
  • Contribute to high quality environments: people pay more (3-7%) to live on tree-lined streets
  • Support inward investment: quality of life is a factor in the relocation of 57% of business executives
  • Provide diverse, sustainable, necessary and attractive products as well as being a food source
  • Can cut transport miles by being located close to markets
  • Create robust woodland havens: for wildlife and people in the long-term
  • Increase diversity and resilience of landscapes when on the edge of towns and cities.