

What difference is our work making?

As a charity with big goals, we appreciate the need for providing solid data about the impact of all of our work. This is a current focus for us as we deliver our Trees for Climate large scale planting programme and now start to implement the Forest of Avon Plan with our partners across the region. 

In summer 2021, we released the England's Community Forest Trees for Climate report for Year 1 showing metrics for the planting carried out, in partnership, from Dec 2020 - March 2021 - 15.5 hectares of new trees and woodland in the West of England. As a Community Forest, our focus is not just on carbon, but on all of the benefits provided by trees and the metrics reflect this. See our Trees for Climate pages for more details. 

It is vital that we measure immediate results, monitor and report on projects long term and record where we are in terms of goals and targets. Then we can make sure we adapt to changing needs, create thriving new woodlands and trees and meet the needs of our population. 

Sign up to our newsletter at the bottom of this page to keep informed about how we are measuring and maximising impact.  

Just some of the Forest of Avon projects that were carried out up until 2019


  • The Trust Office

    The Trust Office

  • Tree Dedication Woodlands

    Tree Dedication Woodlands

  • Great Woodlands to Visit

    Great Woodlands to Visit


  • Trees for Communities

    Trees for Communities

  • School & Street Orchards

    School & Street Orchards

  • Woodland Improvement & Planting

    Woodland Improvement & Planting

  • Health & Wellbeing

    Health & Wellbeing